MajorMUD Hero World Rank Changes
Ranked MajorMUD heroes that have recently gained or lost position on active stock realms.
Ranked Movers
World | Change | Experience | Character | Realm | Gang | Class | Exp/Hr |
127 | ∧ 8 | 1,206,459,667 | Macco | MorningSide Mortuary | Knife Ears | Ranger | 31,216K |
131 | ∨ 1 | 1,173,529,187 | Regis Rumble | CCX BBS (PVE) | Double Dragon | Gypsy | 667K |
135 | ∨ 1 | 1,146,680,098 | Bobo Amigo | The Penalty Box | Fu Manchu | Druid | 538K |
173 | ∧ 7 | 719,829,852 | Wacco | MorningSide Mortuary | Knife Ears | Mage | 18,214K |
177 | ∨ 1 | 710,043,586 | Bulucos DontAsk | MajorBBS | The Gang | Witchunter | 432K |
292 | ∧ 1 | 93,761,675 | Autolycus KingOfThiev | MajorBBS | DaMaGe Inc | Thief | 160K |
366 | ∧ 14 | 2,950,550 | Boris PunchesDicks | The Penalty Box | Butthole Pillagers | Witchunter | 784K |
368 | ∨ 1 | 2,089,203 | Giggles Lowenbrau | CCX BBS (PVE) | The Smellin' | Ninja | 19.0K |
369 | ∨ 1 | 2,089,186 | Genghis Squid | CCX BBS (PVE) | The Smellin' | Bard | 19.0K |
370 | ∨ 1 | 2,086,751 | Lester Beefs | CCX BBS (PVE) | The Smellin' | Cleric | 19.0K |
380 | ∨ 1 | 1,464,930 | Woody PeckerThat | The Penalty Box | Druid | 4.1K | |
390 | ∧ 2 | 1,047,120 | Pacco | MorningSide Mortuary | Warlock | 75.4K | |
391 | ∨ 1 | 1,011,523 | ShakAs AllNightLong | The Penalty Box | Mage | 4.1K | |
392 | ∨ 1 | 975,343 | Cardnal Sin | The Penalty Box | Priest | 4.1K | |
404 | ∧ 1 | 469,037 | Chupon MasterOfTheSne | Sounds Of Silence BBS | Knights of the Bong | Paladin | 7.5K |