MajorMUD Bard World Rankings
World rankings for MajorMUD Bard heroes.
Top Bard Class Heroes
Class | World | Experience | Character | Realm | Gang | Exp/Hr |
1 | 25 | 8,589,376,640 | WiNSTON WRiGHT | Grimoire BBS | STDs are chill now | lifeless |
2 | 46 | 5,683,297,677 | Bardly Cooper | BearFather Stock | Terminus Est | lifeless |
3 | 48 | 5,625,127,321 | Azaral | Grimoire BBS | Desecration | lifeless |
4 | 53 | 5,237,133,137 | Myrkul Devilhorn | Grimoire BBS | EmoNuzCollective | lifeless |
5 | 68 | 4,176,845,789 | Lilith | Grimoire BBS | Sanctuary | lifeless |
6 | 112 | 1,981,107,662 | Edgar Mustado | CCX BBS (PVE) | Double Dragon | 718K |
7 | 114 | 1,931,871,562 | Wintry Spite | MajorBBS | Autumn | - |
8 | 136 | 1,104,144,283 | Shake Speare | AdeptBBS | Wu Girls | lifeless |
9 | 146 | 955,383,840 | Emiliano Jr | BearFather Stock | lifeless | |
10 | 176 | 712,042,658 | Symphony Harmonic | Grimoire BBS | House Red | lifeless |
11 | 195 | 542,597,080 | Nala DaBootSlayer | MajorBBS | VaultTec | lifeless |
12 | 212 | 447,071,285 | Piano | CCX BBS (PVE) | Double Dragon | lifeless |
13 | 219 | 415,381,229 | Yuric Hezachiah | AdeptBBS | lifeless | |
14 | 265 | 182,626,278 | Captain | CCX BBS (PVE) | (-Ronin Warriors-) | lifeless |
15 | 284 | 117,508,220 | Bastian Silverhand | TQPS Stock | Shadow Warriors | lifeless |
16 | 322 | 30,976,980 | Ladron DeBadajillo | MajorBBS | - | |
17 | 362 | 3,494,631 | Thancred | TQPS Stock | Bloodhound Gang | lifeless |
18 | 369 | 2,089,186 | Genghis Squid | CCX BBS (PVE) | The Smellin' | 19.0K |
19 | 389 | 1,064,812 | FaLLon Crazy | The Penalty Box | 4.1K | |
20 | 406 | 445,199 | Edward SpoonyBard | Sounds Of Silence BBS | Knights of the Bong | 7.5K |
21 | 451 | 64 | Steev Beev | AdeptBBS | lifeless |