MajorMUD Thief World Rankings
World rankings for MajorMUD Thief heroes.
Top Thief Class Heroes
Class | World | Experience | Character | Realm | Gang | Exp/Hr |
1 | 34 | 7,425,487,596 | Mug Uhm | BearFather Stock | spud | - |
2 | 36 | 7,101,406,813 | Flaccid Teenyweeny | Grimoire BBS | GAYGABBAGAUNTGANG | lifeless |
3 | 87 | 2,877,812,122 | Spooky Ghostbusters | Grimoire BBS | Anti-JimMy Dupes | lifeless |
4 | 193 | 557,505,896 | Jubei Origami | MajorBBS | Cobra Kai | lifeless |
5 | 204 | 481,728,826 | Goodluck Bear | BearFather Stock | Carebears | lifeless |
6 | 251 | 239,013,095 | Vanish IntoTheMist | BearFather Stock | The Black Hand | lifeless |
7 | 292 | 93,761,675 | Autolycus KingOfThiev | MajorBBS | DaMaGe Inc | 160K |
8 | 295 | 90,921,404 | Thun Dar | Sounds Of Silence BBS | Dartu | - |
9 | 311 | 46,735,461 | Rotten Egg | Grimoire BBS | 1 Account Noob | lifeless |
10 | 338 | 13,871,217 | Lito | Grimoire BBS | lifeless | |
11 | 340 | 12,993,489 | Stich | Grimoire BBS | lifeless | |
12 | 447 | 159 | Bob Jones | MajorBBS | lifeless |