Realm BearFather Stock

Heroes, gangs and summary for BearFather Stock.

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Bot Status: OK     Time since last update: 47m 21s

Online: 48

  • Version: MajorMUD v1.11p
  • Cost: Free
  • PVP: unknown
  • Death HP: unknown
  • Dupes Allowed: unknown

Top Heroes

Realm World Change Experience Character Gang Class Exp/Hr
1 2 17,112,397,035 KungFu Panda spud Mystic lifeless
2 3 16,774,525,129 Dabu BandOfOrcs spud Cleric -
3 7 12,783,626,880 Skar Nation La Cosa Nostra Warrior 1,265K
4 9 11,673,392,453 Guldan BandOfOrcs spud Mage -
5 12 11,045,842,594 Xander E ./Bloody Quays\. Paladin 1,642K
6 14 10,098,812,121 Zugzug BandOfOrcs spud Gypsy idle
7 18 9,267,322,454 Infinity Timez Chronomentrophobia Cleric -
8 19 9,195,126,015 You Suck La Cosa Nostra Mystic 1,459K
9 20 9,117,185,535 Feal Less dups Cleric 519K
10 21 9,055,929,424 Reginaled VelJohnson ./Bloody Quays\. Warlock lifeless
11 23 8,751,664,737 Rhino Setstatlinefull The Horny Goat Cleric 1,673K
12 26 8,583,895,867 Gringo Allegre Chronomentrophobia Druid lifeless
13 27 8,411,211,253 Ajax Cleaner The Odds Get Even Mage 1,493K
14 28 8,252,874,119 Axel Grease The Odds Get Even Druid 1,493K
15 29 8,080,093,782 Kaylon Xenon The Odds Get Even Druid 1,253K
16 32 7,535,384,333 Arcos Anarchy La Cosa Nostra Ranger 1,450K
17 34 7,425,487,596 Mug Uhm spud Thief -
18 37 6,991,784,517 Elrikk BlackOgre Terminus Est Warrior lifeless
19 42 5,924,898,884 Hork Zork Terminus Est Mystic lifeless
20 44 5,811,930,979 Laef TreeFell spud Druid 19.9K
21 45 5,689,952,361 Zephyr Enter dups Ranger 1,093K
22 46 5,683,297,677 Bardly Cooper Terminus Est Bard lifeless
23 49 5,570,341,062 Solomon Bast Terminus Est Priest lifeless
24 51 5,341,293,276 Venimus Come spud Mage 676K
25 52 5,297,166,446 Milo IsKing La Cosa Nostra Witchunter lifeless
26 57 4,820,385,559 Dog Exp The Horny Goat Mage -
27 60 4,627,297,299 BabaYaga OfTheDark The Odds Get Even Ninja idle
28 61 4,486,568,134 Hobotrash BananaEater Terminus Est Mage lifeless
29 63 4,393,512,430 BabaHealer OfTheDark The Odds Get Even Priest idle
30 66 4,275,473,641 BabaTank OfTheDark The Odds Get Even Warrior idle
31 70 3,984,489,768 RedruM BobLemon The Horny Goat Druid 517K
32 73 3,661,824,713 Creepy BoB The Odds Get Even Mage 514K
33 74 3,601,461,050 Mage I The Odds Get Even Mage 1,070K
34 76 3,529,354,717 Kilrogg WasHere spud Druid -
35 79 3,282,209,265 Bleam Bleam {EightyHD} Witchunter lifeless
36 80 3,237,564,199 Meth Mouth {EightyHD} Ninja lifeless
37 83 3,085,723,230 Krampus NaughtySanta Terminus Est Cleric lifeless
38 84 3,010,885,482 Vel Choric The Odds Get Even Priest 418K
39 86 2,952,781,690 Falcand Two Witchunter lifeless
40 89 2,822,990,871 Falcor Eep Witchunter lifeless
41 92 2,692,011,746 Kylaxian SuperDude Missionary lifeless
42 93 2,669,724,206 Dubman Healz {EightyHD} Priest lifeless
43 95 2,644,464,938 Stunts IsDooM Mud Lives Matter Priest 423K
44 98 2,540,701,967 Jordan Belfort Stratton Oakmont Warrior lifeless
45 121 1,545,387,592 Deity Vendetta The Odds Get Even Cleric lifeless
46 123 1,439,031,399 Neko TheDwarf The Odds Get Even Druid 996K
47 125 1,363,789,510 Nemesis Vendetta The Odds Get Even Ranger lifeless
48 128 1 1,188,414,153 Civ Vendetta The Odds Get Even Druid lifeless
49 134 2 1,154,132,817 Wish Bear Carebears Ranger lifeless
50 138 1,094,882,026 Endor Crescentmoon spud Mystic lifeless
51 142 1,072,679,045 Bedtime Bear Carebears Witchunter lifeless
52 143 1,071,324,746 Ron Later Witchunter lifeless
53 146 955,383,840 Emiliano Jr Bard lifeless
54 150 939,066,698 Funshine Bear Carebears Ninja lifeless
55 156 859,467,960 Alwais StopKnot Blackacid's Devils Cleric lifeless
56 157 824,890,971 Ceta Man Chicken Warrior lifeless
57 158 824,858,411 Rollin Papers Nig Nogs Paladin lifeless
58 160 819,588,705 Blackacid Devil Blackacid's Devils Warlock lifeless
59 170 747,689,511 Sambo Johnj Nig Nogs Priest lifeless
60 172 723,012,997 Kronik Kough Nig Nogs Mage lifeless
61 174 1 716,777,718 Hash Pipe Smoke Shack Ranger lifeless
62 175 1 716,585,135 Jaro Jarroson Terminus Est Missionary lifeless
63 181 657,936,140 Steel Steelio Terminus Est Ranger lifeless
64 186 609,748,926 Donnie Par Stratton Oakmont Priest lifeless
65 190 569,808,781 Chef Sashimi The Horny Goat Warrior 123K
66 192 561,912,829 Spear McChuckerson Nig Nogs Warrior lifeless
67 198 516,227,186 Grumpy Exp Carebears Druid lifeless
68 200 503,521,762 Les Stat Stratton Oakmont Warlock lifeless
69 202 487,940,456 Phat Daddy Paladin -
70 203 487,056,587 Rigapples UpInHere Ranger -
71 204 481,728,826 Goodluck Bear Carebears Thief lifeless
72 215 431,843,241 Porch MunkeyForLife Nig Nogs Cleric lifeless
73 224 390,980,517 Rollo Jarroson Terminus Est Druid lifeless
74 229 360,563,053 Tenderhart Bear Carebears Priest lifeless
75 232 344,801,754 Woodrow InTheMorning The Odds Get Even Paladin lifeless
76 234 327,020,839 Rascal InTheMorning The Odds Get Even Missionary lifeless
77 237 296,090,332 Maya Sai Priest lifeless
78 238 294,032,404 Hodore It Warriors Warrior 256K
79 239 286,798,008 Filth Pig dups Cleric lifeless
80 241 265,313,710 Savij Sole Warriors Warrior 256K
81 244 256,112,620 ZoranX Shadowman The Black Hand Ninja lifeless
82 245 253,897,522 Godrick TheGrafted Paladin lifeless
83 246 252,177,780 Uhtred Rest The Odds Get Even Paladin 190K
84 247 247,935,831 Tetsujin Boobs Ninja lifeless
85 248 247,396,719 Sega Sunset dups Ranger lifeless
86 249 240,506,359 Quix AndDeadly The Black Hand Mystic lifeless
87 250 240,006,996 Gregor TheMountain The Black Hand Warrior lifeless
88 251 239,013,095 Vanish IntoTheMist The Black Hand Thief lifeless
89 252 236,876,730 Hanover Fist Temporal Fugue Paladin lifeless
90 253 232,747,402 Trixter OfFinsterkopi spud Cleric lifeless
91 254 229,698,361 Cyndre TeacherGuy The Odds Get Even Druid 189K
92 255 220,810,436 Rawr Hax Warrior 649K
93 256 218,284,276 ElJefe CornHolesYou The Horny Goat Warrior 451K
94 261 195,582,815 Xerp Ocalypse Warrior lifeless
95 264 182,761,450 Nevir StopKnot Blackacid's Devils Ranger lifeless
96 267 179,301,693 StarFox Rest spud Mage lifeless
97 268 176,296,445 Unregistrd Hypercam Witchunter 32.4K
98 269 171,988,750 Bastich CROSS The Black Hand Paladin lifeless
99 271 160,136,508 Eronan E The Black Hand Ranger lifeless
100 274 156,483,759 Siddhartha Grey Temporal Fugue Mystic lifeless

Top Gangs

Realm World Change Experience Gang Leader Created Exp/Hr
1 2 76,000,980,773 spud Laef 04-OCT-23 696K
2 4 51,541,356,631 Stratton Oakmont Jordan 02-OCT-23 lifeless
3 8 34,146,670,894 La Cosa Nostra Skar 04-FEB-24 4,179K
4 9 32,041,828,284 Terminus Est Steel 16-FEB-24 lifeless
5 11 25,361,401,076 ./Bloody Quays\. Xander 03-OCT-23 1,642K
6 12 24,470,478,995 The Horny Goat Rhino 29-NOV-23 2,894K
7 14 14,072,957,643 dups Feal 05-OCT-23 1,614K
8 15 14,014,360,289 {EightyHD} Bleam 04-OCT-23 lifeless
9 16 13,388,103,432 The Odds Get Even Ajax 08-DEC-24 7,623K
10 24 5,279,797,818 Carebears Funshine 14-DEC-23 lifeless
11 29 new 2,965,777,867 Nig Nogs Rollin 03-OCT-23 -
12 32 new 2,562,652,195 Mud Lives Matter Stunts 17-MAR-24 -
13 46 new 1,678,718,331 Chronomentrophobia Gringo 23-DEC-24 -
14 48 new 1,104,462,100 Blackacid's Devils Blackacid 28-JUL-24 -
15 49 new 1,040,639,287 The Black Hand ZoranX 26-OCT-23 -
16 50 new 703,097,165 Chicken Ceta 30-OCT-23 -
17 51 new 689,780,947 Smoke Shack Hash 09-OCT-23 -
18 53 new 590,947,499 Warriors Hodore 21-NOV-24 -
19 57 new 287,768,817 Temporal Fugue Siddhartha 30-APR-24 -
20 62 new 117,259,700 House Party 2 Harmonic 05-OCT-23 -
21 64 new 97,204,047 squids Salvatore 20-OCT-23 -
22 66 new 80,060,533 The Humpty Dance Whacker 24-MAR-24 -
23 68 new 58,802,143 slum lords Havoc 03-OCT-23 -
24 71 new 34,023,893 Wandering Elephants Manga 18-FEB-25 -
25 72 new 33,738,076 714 Antichrist 07-MAR-24 -
26 74 new 25,770,501 G.L.O.A.T Krieger 30-MAY-24 -
27 76 new 14,205,544 Wu Tang Girls Axeman 17-FEB-24 -
28 81 new 5,288,273 House of Steel Michael 21-FEB-24 -
29 83 new 5,035,719 BLOODGUARD Sprinkels 05-OCT-23 -
30 88 new 1,258,292 MudBalls Groucho 05-OCT-23 -
31 89 new 1,230,659 Knights of Wren Wren 09-NOV-23 -
32 90 new 962,930 Bad Dudes CornPop 29-JUL-24 -
33 92 new 594,551 dragons Black 02-FEB-25 -
34 94 new 423,687 For Narnia! Aslan 11-OCT-23 -