MajorMUD Mage World Rankings

World rankings for MajorMUD Mage heroes.

Top Mage Class Heroes

Class World Experience Character Realm Gang Exp/Hr
1 9 11,673,392,453 Guldan BandOfOrcs BearFather Stock spud -
2 16 9,492,634,093 Gandalf Rolling MorningSide Mortuary Dwarfs Inc -
3 27 8,411,211,253 Ajax Cleaner BearFather Stock The Odds Get Even 1,493K
4 51 5,341,293,276 Venimus Come BearFather Stock spud 676K
5 57 4,820,385,559 Dog Exp BearFather Stock The Horny Goat -
6 61 4,486,568,134 Hobotrash BananaEater BearFather Stock Terminus Est lifeless
7 73 3,661,824,713 Creepy BoB BearFather Stock The Odds Get Even 514K
8 74 3,601,461,050 Mage I BearFather Stock The Odds Get Even 1,070K
9 78 3,353,106,941 Syphilis STD Grimoire BBS Bintang lifeless
10 91 2,787,262,776 Bluebeard Z The Penalty Box Fu Manchu 533K
11 94 2,652,746,623 Err Moonajuana Grimoire BBS Mooninites Unite lifeless
12 106 2,220,798,969 Blast CCX BBS (PVE) smiley face lifeless
13 113 1,979,309,635 DirtyMage DarkMana Grimoire BBS Order of Shadows lifeless
14 117 1,725,780,510 Raistlin Rest Grimoire BBS iLLuMiNaTi lifeless
15 122 1,542,129,791 RexFelis Rest AdeptBBS Dead Men Walking lifeless
16 133 1,155,026,046 Kaliki Akino The Penalty Box Fu Manchu 539K
17 145 958,960,545 TheTick OfDoom MajorBBS The Gang 439K
18 164 781,086,378 Sirius Black AdeptBBS Nature Girls lifeless
19 172 723,012,997 Kronik Kough BearFather Stock Nig Nogs lifeless
20 173 719,829,852 Wacco MorningSide Mortuary Knife Ears 18,214K
21 197 527,134,888 Magi Arch CCX BBS (PVE) Double Dragon 408K
22 206 476,197,393 Burn Roomspeller CCX BBS (PVE) lifeless
23 243 258,659,489 Shake Down CCX BBS (PVE) Wu Girls lifeless
24 267 179,301,693 StarFox Rest BearFather Stock spud lifeless
25 300 77,397,051 Flash Guygordon MajorBBS FireFarts 127K
26 319 33,144,847 Brenner VonNull MajorBBS -
27 374 1,716,883 Wahooka TheGrate CCX BBS (PVE) lifeless
28 391 1,011,523 ShakAs AllNightLong The Penalty Box 4.1K
29 396 735,071 Master Blaster Sounds Of Silence BBS Knights of the Bong 14.1K
30 407 411,157 Brandle CCX BBS (PVE) lifeless
31 427 36,584 Fujin Haakari MajorBBS lifeless
32 454 28 Client TQPS TQPS Stock lifeless