MajorMUD Heroes Earning XP

MajorMUD heroes that have recently earned XP on active stock realms.

Ranked Earners

World Change Experience Character Realm Gang Class Exp/Hr
4 16,457,776,742 Bigfoot Stevenson MorningSide Mortuary Burnt Sausage Druid 3,127K
7 12,783,626,880 Skar Nation BearFather Stock La Cosa Nostra Warrior 1,265K
10 11,286,576,636 Genghis Scooby MorningSide Mortuary Burnt Sausage Gypsy 3,118K
11 11,157,384,244 Beefy Jenkins MorningSide Mortuary Burnt Sausage Witchunter 2,730K
12 11,045,842,594 Xander E BearFather Stock ./Bloody Quays\. Paladin 1,642K
17 9,296,255,178 Smelly Feet MorningSide Mortuary Burnt Sausage Priest 2,880K
19 9,195,126,015 You Suck BearFather Stock La Cosa Nostra Mystic 1,459K
20 9,117,185,535 Feal Less BearFather Stock dups Cleric 519K
23 8,751,664,737 Rhino Setstatlinefull BearFather Stock The Horny Goat Cleric 1,673K
27 8,411,211,253 Ajax Cleaner BearFather Stock The Odds Get Even Mage 1,493K
28 8,252,874,119 Axel Grease BearFather Stock The Odds Get Even Druid 1,493K
29 8,080,093,782 Kaylon Xenon BearFather Stock The Odds Get Even Druid 1,253K
32 7,535,384,333 Arcos Anarchy BearFather Stock La Cosa Nostra Ranger 1,450K
44 5,811,930,979 Laef TreeFell BearFather Stock spud Druid 19.9K
45 5,689,952,361 Zephyr Enter BearFather Stock dups Ranger 1,093K
51 5,341,293,276 Venimus Come BearFather Stock spud Mage 676K
67 4,272,885,949 Drax Xard The Penalty Box Fu Manchu Ranger 539K
70 3,984,489,768 RedruM BobLemon BearFather Stock The Horny Goat Druid 517K
71 3,945,526,388 Koko BWare The Penalty Box Fu Manchu Paladin 536K
73 3,661,824,713 Creepy BoB BearFather Stock The Odds Get Even Mage 514K
74 3,601,461,050 Mage I BearFather Stock The Odds Get Even Mage 1,070K
84 3,010,885,482 Vel Choric BearFather Stock The Odds Get Even Priest 418K
91 2,787,262,776 Bluebeard Z The Penalty Box Fu Manchu Mage 533K
95 2,644,464,938 Stunts IsDooM BearFather Stock Mud Lives Matter Priest 423K
110 2,062,139,817 Kung Pow CCX BBS (PVE) Double Dragon Mystic 726K
111 1,985,538,066 Cecil Bringer CCX BBS (PVE) Double Dragon Paladin 698K
112 1,981,107,662 Edgar Mustado CCX BBS (PVE) Double Dragon Bard 718K
115 1,926,331,515 Drizzt DoUrden CCX BBS (PVE) Double Dragon Ranger 695K
123 1,439,031,399 Neko TheDwarf BearFather Stock The Odds Get Even Druid 996K
127 8 1,206,459,667 Macco MorningSide Mortuary Knife Ears Ranger 31,216K
131 1 1,173,529,187 Regis Rumble CCX BBS (PVE) Double Dragon Gypsy 667K
133 1,155,026,046 Kaliki Akino The Penalty Box Fu Manchu Mage 539K
135 1 1,146,680,098 Bobo Amigo The Penalty Box Fu Manchu Druid 538K
144 1,045,147,592 Mrfreeze FreezesYou MajorBBS The Gang Paladin 418K
145 958,960,545 TheTick OfDoom MajorBBS The Gang Mage 439K
148 950,045,370 Hakuna Matata MajorBBS The Gang Warrior 434K
173 7 719,829,852 Wacco MorningSide Mortuary Knife Ears Mage 18,214K
177 1 710,043,586 Bulucos DontAsk MajorBBS The Gang Witchunter 432K
190 569,808,781 Chef Sashimi BearFather Stock The Horny Goat Warrior 123K
197 527,134,888 Magi Arch CCX BBS (PVE) Double Dragon Mage 408K
238 294,032,404 Hodore It BearFather Stock Warriors Warrior 256K
241 265,313,710 Savij Sole BearFather Stock Warriors Warrior 256K
246 252,177,780 Uhtred Rest BearFather Stock The Odds Get Even Paladin 190K
254 229,698,361 Cyndre TeacherGuy BearFather Stock The Odds Get Even Druid 189K
255 220,810,436 Rawr Hax BearFather Stock Warrior 649K
256 218,284,276 ElJefe CornHolesYou BearFather Stock The Horny Goat Warrior 451K
260 201,036,944 Willow Dradja MajorBBS DaMaGe Inc Warrior 17.5K
262 189,054,344 Drago Torquemada AdeptBBS Dead Men Walking Witchunter 280K
266 180,061,715 Usul MoonShadow AdeptBBS Dead Men Walking Cleric 179K
268 176,296,445 Unregistrd Hypercam BearFather Stock Witchunter 32.4K
272 158,651,744 Ironguy Stark MajorBBS FireFarts Warrior 127K
273 156,895,276 Devils Advocate MajorBBS DaMaGe Inc Warlock 10.6K
280 127,339,880 Handov God MajorBBS DaMaGe Inc Priest 158K
286 113,604,239 SpiderGuy Parker MajorBBS FireFarts Druid 126K
287 111,837,109 BatGuy Wayne MajorBBS FireFarts Missionary 126K
292 1 93,761,675 Autolycus KingOfThiev MajorBBS DaMaGe Inc Thief 160K
299 81,537,028 New Smeltzer Sounds Of Silence BBS Ranger 8.7K
300 77,397,051 Flash Guygordon MajorBBS FireFarts Mage 127K
320 31,526,570 Dugan X The Penalty Box Butthole Pillagers Ninja 16.1K
323 29,674,980 Missy MayHem The Penalty Box Butthole Pillagers Missionary 13.3K
324 29,008,037 Lefty Loosy The Penalty Box Butthole Pillagers Ranger 16.8K
326 26,536,981 Martyr OfDeath The Penalty Box Butthole Pillagers Cleric 5.1K
327 25,146,024 ElJefe CornHolesYou The Penalty Box Butthole Pillagers Gypsy 42.2K
343 9,768,605 Legend Ary The Penalty Box Warrior 16.7K
354 5,132,706 Zoomer BoBo Dreamline FireFarts Missionary 18.5K
355 4,910,659 Xummo BoBo Dreamline FireFarts Warrior 18.7K
356 4,716,926 Yapper BoBo Dreamline FireFarts Druid 18.5K
366 14 2,950,550 Boris PunchesDicks The Penalty Box Butthole Pillagers Witchunter 784K
368 1 2,089,203 Giggles Lowenbrau CCX BBS (PVE) The Smellin' Ninja 19.0K
369 1 2,089,186 Genghis Squid CCX BBS (PVE) The Smellin' Bard 19.0K
370 1 2,086,751 Lester Beefs CCX BBS (PVE) The Smellin' Cleric 19.0K
371 1,824,278 Arioch KnightofSwords MajorBBS the garbage man Ranger 24.5K
380 1 1,464,930 Woody PeckerThat The Penalty Box Druid 4.1K
389 1,064,812 FaLLon Crazy The Penalty Box Bard 4.1K
390 2 1,047,120 Pacco MorningSide Mortuary Warlock 75.4K
391 1 1,011,523 ShakAs AllNightLong The Penalty Box Mage 4.1K
392 1 975,343 Cardnal Sin The Penalty Box Priest 4.1K
394 773,031 Dragonbait Swampwalke Sounds Of Silence BBS Knights of the Bong Ranger 14.3K
395 754,633 Healie TheHealer Sounds Of Silence BBS Knights of the Bong Priest 14.2K
396 735,071 Master Blaster Sounds Of Silence BBS Knights of the Bong Mage 14.1K
404 1 469,037 Chupon MasterOfTheSne Sounds Of Silence BBS Knights of the Bong Paladin 7.5K
406 445,199 Edward SpoonyBard Sounds Of Silence BBS Knights of the Bong Bard 7.5K
409 397,530 Mog TheMoogle Sounds Of Silence BBS Knights of the Bong Druid 7.4K