MajorMUD Cleric World Rankings
World rankings for MajorMUD Cleric heroes.
Top Cleric Class Heroes
Class | World | Experience | Character | Realm | Gang | Exp/Hr |
1 | 3 | 16,774,525,129 | Dabu BandOfOrcs | BearFather Stock | spud | - |
2 | 18 | 9,267,322,454 | Infinity Timez | BearFather Stock | Chronomentrophobia | - |
3 | 20 | 9,117,185,535 | Feal Less | BearFather Stock | dups | 519K |
4 | 23 | 8,751,664,737 | Rhino Setstatlinefull | BearFather Stock | The Horny Goat | 1,673K |
5 | 33 | 7,443,057,212 | Aurelius StAugustine | Grimoire BBS | lifeless | |
6 | 55 | 4,888,107,124 | Inarius | Grimoire BBS | iLLuMiNaTi | lifeless |
7 | 83 | 3,085,723,230 | Krampus NaughtySanta | BearFather Stock | Terminus Est | lifeless |
8 | 101 | 2,477,600,941 | Winter Skies | MajorBBS | Autumn | - |
9 | 104 | 2,329,201,977 | Thump | CCX BBS (PVE) | smiley face | lifeless |
10 | 119 | 1,605,705,680 | Jimbuck | Grimoire BBS | lifeless | |
11 | 121 | 1,545,387,592 | Deity Vendetta | BearFather Stock | The Odds Get Even | lifeless |
12 | 153 | 912,492,756 | Ballard HandOfGod | AdeptBBS | Wu Girls | lifeless |
13 | 156 | 859,467,960 | Alwais StopKnot | BearFather Stock | Blackacid's Devils | lifeless |
14 | 205 | 480,475,028 | Rahvin | CCX BBS (PVE) | Double Dragon | lifeless |
15 | 208 | 472,226,593 | Darkman I | CCX BBS (PVE) | lifeless | |
16 | 215 | 431,843,241 | Porch MunkeyForLife | BearFather Stock | Nig Nogs | lifeless |
17 | 216 | 431,782,971 | Hariel BigDumbStupidH | CCX BBS (PVE) | (-Ronin Warriors-) | lifeless |
18 | 218 | 419,440,305 | Reik Havoc | Grimoire BBS | House Red | lifeless |
19 | 222 | 401,299,079 | Storm Silverhand | TQPS Stock | Shadow Warriors | lifeless |
20 | 239 | 286,798,008 | Filth Pig | BearFather Stock | dups | lifeless |
21 | 242 | 260,708,080 | Hanover Fist | CCX BBS (PVE) | Temporal Fugue | lifeless |
22 | 253 | 232,747,402 | Trixter OfFinsterkopi | BearFather Stock | spud | lifeless |
23 | 266 | 180,061,715 | Usul MoonShadow | AdeptBBS | Dead Men Walking | 179K |
24 | 278 | 136,462,193 | Darkstar Silverhand | TQPS Stock | Shadow Warriors | lifeless |
25 | 282 | 121,942,544 | Slim Pickens | Grimoire BBS | Stranger Danger | lifeless |
26 | 293 | 93,742,413 | Bramble Thoren | Sounds Of Silence BBS | Dartu | - |
27 | 298 | 81,839,685 | XeNeX NeXeN | MajorBBS | - | |
28 | 309 | 49,310,548 | Cheeky Bastard | Grimoire BBS | Mudders Anonymous | lifeless |
29 | 312 | 43,715,219 | Rorann Stonehammer | Grimoire BBS | Crucial Conflict | lifeless |
30 | 326 | 26,536,981 | Martyr OfDeath | The Penalty Box | Butthole Pillagers | 5.1K |
31 | 337 | 14,086,072 | JD Vance | MajorBBS | lifeless | |
32 | 339 | 13,335,331 | Prometheus Rest | Grimoire BBS | lifeless | |
33 | 357 | 4,584,595 | Doc Corpsman | CCX BBS (PVE) | Savijness | - |
34 | 370 | 2,086,751 | Lester Beefs | CCX BBS (PVE) | The Smellin' | 19.0K |
35 | 378 | 1,535,654 | Phalanxx LemmeThink | AdeptBBS | KnightsWhoSayNI! | lifeless |
36 | 387 | 1,104,178 | Bluntman | Dreamline | Snoochie Boochies | lifeless |
37 | 401 | 545,691 | Overun | Dreamline | Moment In Time | lifeless |
38 | 408 | 402,316 | Jerry Dirteater | CCX BBS (PVE) | lifeless | |
39 | 416 | 114,050 | Time Takingitstoll | CCX BBS (PVE) | <The Four Horsemen> | lifeless |
40 | 420 | 78,747 | Beefy Stew | Sounds Of Silence BBS | lifeless | |
41 | 424 | 61,809 | Bigfoot Kowalski | MajorBBS | lifeless | |
42 | 428 | 33,316 | Kraken Balozza | The Penalty Box | - | |
43 | 448 | 146 | Himmey Bach | Sounds Of Silence BBS | lifeless |