MajorMUD Ninja World Rankings
World rankings for MajorMUD Ninja heroes.
Top Ninja Class Heroes
Class | World | Experience | Character | Realm | Gang | Exp/Hr |
1 | 31 | 7,681,629,235 | Gonorrhea | Grimoire BBS | STDs are chill now | lifeless |
2 | 35 | 7,115,193,794 | RZA TaoOfWu | Grimoire BBS | STDs are chill now | lifeless |
3 | 50 | 5,423,928,303 | Korr | Grimoire BBS | Desecration | lifeless |
4 | 60 | 4,627,297,299 | BabaYaga OfTheDark | BearFather Stock | The Odds Get Even | idle |
5 | 80 | 3,237,564,199 | Meth Mouth | BearFather Stock | {EightyHD} | lifeless |
6 | 90 | 2,807,382,716 | Slash | CCX BBS (PVE) | smiley face | lifeless |
7 | 97 | 2,589,997,351 | DrunkGuard ShadowGuar | Grimoire BBS | Disorderly Conduct | lifeless |
8 | 100 | 2,489,031,763 | FJoeB LetsGOBrandon | Grimoire BBS | Screwed | lifeless |
9 | 150 | 939,066,698 | Funshine Bear | BearFather Stock | Carebears | lifeless |
10 | 155 | 887,543,524 | Yagi TheKiller | MajorBBS | Cobra Kai | lifeless |
11 | 178 | 707,554,370 | Nester Stat | Grimoire BBS | Purveyors of Terror | lifeless |
12 | 182 | 650,448,579 | Blackthorn Stabby | CCX BBS (PVE) | lifeless | |
13 | 207 | 472,700,770 | Ghengis Squid | AdeptBBS | lifeless | |
14 | 213 | 441,592,669 | Cotillion | CCX BBS (PVE) | Old Dirty Hags | lifeless |
15 | 236 | 311,858,722 | Dancer | CCX BBS (PVE) | Old Dirty Hags | lifeless |
16 | 244 | 256,112,620 | ZoranX Shadowman | BearFather Stock | The Black Hand | lifeless |
17 | 247 | 247,935,831 | Tetsujin Boobs | BearFather Stock | lifeless | |
18 | 304 | 67,841,048 | Osbourne Stat | MajorBBS | - | |
19 | 313 | 42,969,715 | Katan Kamaryn | Grimoire BBS | Crucial Conflict | lifeless |
20 | 314 | 41,629,417 | Zoran X | Grimoire BBS | lifeless | |
21 | 318 | 33,231,496 | Cool | Grimoire BBS | Ruthless Clan | lifeless |
22 | 320 | 31,526,570 | Dugan X | The Penalty Box | Butthole Pillagers | 16.1K |
23 | 335 | 15,997,347 | Slash SliceAndDice | The Penalty Box | - | |
24 | 358 | 4,514,303 | The Master | AdeptBBS | Backstreet Girls | lifeless |
25 | 368 | 2,089,203 | Giggles Lowenbrau | CCX BBS (PVE) | The Smellin' | 19.0K |
26 | 399 | 635,446 | Esiw One | MajorBBS | - | |
27 | 410 | 193,970 | Leyley | CCX BBS (PVE) | lifeless | |
28 | 418 | 95,381 | Rooster ChickenLeg | Sounds Of Silence BBS | lifeless | |
29 | 437 | 2,561 | Gatla Shadow | MajorBBS | lifeless | |
30 | 452 | 48 | QuiGon | CCX BBS (PVE) | idle |