MajorMUD Warrior World Rankings
World rankings for MajorMUD Warrior heroes.
Top Warrior Class Heroes
Class | World | Experience | Character | Realm | Gang | Exp/Hr |
1 | 7 | 12,783,626,880 | Skar Nation | BearFather Stock | La Cosa Nostra | 1,265K |
2 | 24 | 8,667,000,340 | Darkness Poopington | Grimoire BBS | GAYGABBAGAUNTGANG | lifeless |
3 | 37 | 6,991,784,517 | Elrikk BlackOgre | BearFather Stock | Terminus Est | lifeless |
4 | 58 | 4,815,433,281 | Titan Analsex | Grimoire BBS | EmoNuzCollective | lifeless |
5 | 66 | 4,275,473,641 | BabaTank OfTheDark | BearFather Stock | The Odds Get Even | idle |
6 | 98 | 2,540,701,967 | Jordan Belfort | BearFather Stock | Stratton Oakmont | lifeless |
7 | 108 | 2,137,093,252 | Bintang BaliFinest | Grimoire BBS | Bintang | lifeless |
8 | 118 | 1,665,953,636 | Goat Cheese | MajorBBS | Cobra Kai | lifeless |
9 | 120 | 1,554,194,562 | Julius | Grimoire BBS | lifeless | |
10 | 129 | 1,179,724,603 | Falcor DS | AdeptBBS | lifeless | |
11 | 132 | 1,155,786,473 | Tank Stat | CCX BBS (PVE) | lifeless | |
12 | 147 | 950,807,560 | Dim Mak | MajorBBS | VaultTec | lifeless |
13 | 148 | 950,045,370 | Hakuna Matata | MajorBBS | The Gang | 434K |
14 | 149 | 948,662,770 | Bam Bam | Grimoire BBS | Stranger Danger | lifeless |
15 | 157 | 824,890,971 | Ceta Man | BearFather Stock | Chicken | lifeless |
16 | 162 | 792,421,486 | Ryo Hammer | CCX BBS (PVE) | (-Ronin Warriors-) | lifeless |
17 | 166 | 769,762,768 | Semierect | Grimoire BBS | lifeless | |
18 | 185 | 622,860,771 | Garet Jax | CCX BBS (PVE) | Old Dirty Hags | lifeless |
19 | 189 | 571,709,418 | River Runs | CCX BBS (PVE) | lifeless | |
20 | 190 | 569,808,781 | Chef Sashimi | BearFather Stock | The Horny Goat | 123K |
21 | 192 | 561,912,829 | Spear McChuckerson | BearFather Stock | Nig Nogs | lifeless |
22 | 209 | 471,475,613 | Strahan Mahkelvian | Grimoire BBS | Crucial Conflict | lifeless |
23 | 221 | 413,154,323 | Soul DragonSlayer | TQPS Stock | Shadow Warriors | lifeless |
24 | 238 | 294,032,404 | Hodore It | BearFather Stock | Warriors | 256K |
25 | 241 | 265,313,710 | Savij Sole | BearFather Stock | Warriors | 256K |
26 | 250 | 240,006,996 | Gregor TheMountain | BearFather Stock | The Black Hand | lifeless |
27 | 255 | 220,810,436 | Rawr Hax | BearFather Stock | 649K | |
28 | 256 | 218,284,276 | ElJefe CornHolesYou | BearFather Stock | The Horny Goat | 451K |
29 | 260 | 201,036,944 | Willow Dradja | MajorBBS | DaMaGe Inc | 17.5K |
30 | 261 | 195,582,815 | Xerp Ocalypse | BearFather Stock | lifeless | |
31 | 272 | 158,651,744 | Ironguy Stark | MajorBBS | FireFarts | 127K |
32 | 279 | 127,911,343 | Cobra Blown | AdeptBBS | KnightsWhoSayNI! | lifeless |
33 | 291 | 96,625,629 | NeXeN XeNeX | MajorBBS | - | |
34 | 294 | 92,161,212 | Erasmas Decenarian | CCX BBS (PVE) | Saunt Edhar Concent | lifeless |
35 | 296 | 88,681,438 | Jesry Decenarian | CCX BBS (PVE) | Saunt Edhar Concent | lifeless |
36 | 317 | 34,383,146 | Kidd WHO | MajorBBS | lifeless | |
37 | 343 | 9,768,605 | Legend Ary | The Penalty Box | 16.7K | |
38 | 355 | 4,910,659 | Xummo BoBo | Dreamline | FireFarts | 18.7K |
39 | 367 | 2,438,667 | Savij Life | CCX BBS (PVE) | Savijness | lifeless |
40 | 381 | 1,371,350 | Gary Busey | CCX BBS (PVE) | lifeless | |
41 | 383 | 1,281,327 | Sony Smash | AdeptBBS | lifeless | |
42 | 397 | 685,714 | Crannock | Dreamline | Moment In Time | lifeless |
43 | 398 | 666,573 | Pestilence Endure | CCX BBS (PVE) | <The Four Horsemen> | lifeless |
44 | 432 | 7,194 | Angelina Thornbrough | The Keep | lifeless | |
45 | 442 | 447 | Many MoonsAgo | The Penalty Box | lifeless | |
46 | 444 | 323 | Blastdat | CCX BBS (PVE) | lifeless |