MajorMUD Warrior World Rankings

World rankings for MajorMUD Warrior heroes.

Top Warrior Class Heroes

Class World Experience Character Realm Gang Exp/Hr
1 7 12,783,626,880 Skar Nation BearFather Stock La Cosa Nostra 1,265K
2 24 8,667,000,340 Darkness Poopington Grimoire BBS GAYGABBAGAUNTGANG lifeless
3 37 6,991,784,517 Elrikk BlackOgre BearFather Stock Terminus Est lifeless
4 58 4,815,433,281 Titan Analsex Grimoire BBS EmoNuzCollective lifeless
5 66 4,275,473,641 BabaTank OfTheDark BearFather Stock The Odds Get Even idle
6 98 2,540,701,967 Jordan Belfort BearFather Stock Stratton Oakmont lifeless
7 108 2,137,093,252 Bintang BaliFinest Grimoire BBS Bintang lifeless
8 118 1,665,953,636 Goat Cheese MajorBBS Cobra Kai lifeless
9 120 1,554,194,562 Julius Grimoire BBS lifeless
10 129 1,179,724,603 Falcor DS AdeptBBS lifeless
11 132 1,155,786,473 Tank Stat CCX BBS (PVE) lifeless
12 147 950,807,560 Dim Mak MajorBBS VaultTec lifeless
13 148 950,045,370 Hakuna Matata MajorBBS The Gang 434K
14 149 948,662,770 Bam Bam Grimoire BBS Stranger Danger lifeless
15 157 824,890,971 Ceta Man BearFather Stock Chicken lifeless
16 162 792,421,486 Ryo Hammer CCX BBS (PVE) (-Ronin Warriors-) lifeless
17 166 769,762,768 Semierect Grimoire BBS lifeless
18 185 622,860,771 Garet Jax CCX BBS (PVE) Old Dirty Hags lifeless
19 189 571,709,418 River Runs CCX BBS (PVE) lifeless
20 190 569,808,781 Chef Sashimi BearFather Stock The Horny Goat 123K
21 192 561,912,829 Spear McChuckerson BearFather Stock Nig Nogs lifeless
22 209 471,475,613 Strahan Mahkelvian Grimoire BBS Crucial Conflict lifeless
23 221 413,154,323 Soul DragonSlayer TQPS Stock Shadow Warriors lifeless
24 238 294,032,404 Hodore It BearFather Stock Warriors 256K
25 241 265,313,710 Savij Sole BearFather Stock Warriors 256K
26 250 240,006,996 Gregor TheMountain BearFather Stock The Black Hand lifeless
27 255 220,810,436 Rawr Hax BearFather Stock 649K
28 256 218,284,276 ElJefe CornHolesYou BearFather Stock The Horny Goat 451K
29 260 201,036,944 Willow Dradja MajorBBS DaMaGe Inc 17.5K
30 261 195,582,815 Xerp Ocalypse BearFather Stock lifeless
31 272 158,651,744 Ironguy Stark MajorBBS FireFarts 127K
32 279 127,911,343 Cobra Blown AdeptBBS KnightsWhoSayNI! lifeless
33 291 96,625,629 NeXeN XeNeX MajorBBS -
34 294 92,161,212 Erasmas Decenarian CCX BBS (PVE) Saunt Edhar Concent lifeless
35 296 88,681,438 Jesry Decenarian CCX BBS (PVE) Saunt Edhar Concent lifeless
36 317 34,383,146 Kidd WHO MajorBBS lifeless
37 343 9,768,605 Legend Ary The Penalty Box 16.7K
38 355 4,910,659 Xummo BoBo Dreamline FireFarts 18.7K
39 367 2,438,667 Savij Life CCX BBS (PVE) Savijness lifeless
40 381 1,371,350 Gary Busey CCX BBS (PVE) lifeless
41 383 1,281,327 Sony Smash AdeptBBS lifeless
42 397 685,714 Crannock Dreamline Moment In Time lifeless
43 398 666,573 Pestilence Endure CCX BBS (PVE) <The Four Horsemen> lifeless
44 432 7,194 Angelina Thornbrough The Keep lifeless
45 442 447 Many MoonsAgo The Penalty Box lifeless
46 444 323 Blastdat CCX BBS (PVE) lifeless