MajorMUD Hero World Rankings 301 to 350
World rankings for MajorMUD heroes taken from active stock realms.
World | Change | Experience | Character | Realm | Gang | Class | Exp/Hr |
301 | − | 52,767,344 | LoRe Soong | MorningSide Mortuary | Land Down Undah | Priest | lifeless |
302 | − | 50,888,952 | Ironguy Stark | MajorBBS | FireFarts | Warrior | 36.2K |
303 | − | 49,955,364 | BatGuy Wayne | MajorBBS | FireFarts | Missionary | 4.2K |
304 | − | 49,506,311 | Fumar Ramuf | Grimoire BBS | Mudders Anonymous | Paladin | lifeless |
305 | − | 49,310,548 | Cheeky Bastard | Grimoire BBS | Mudders Anonymous | Cleric | lifeless |
306 | − | 47,916,411 | SpiderGuy Parker | MajorBBS | FireFarts | Druid | 34.3K |
307 | − | 47,310,457 | Gorefang | Grimoire BBS | Witchunter | lifeless | |
308 | − | 46,735,461 | Rotten Egg | Grimoire BBS | 1 Account Noob | Thief | lifeless |
309 | − | 44,119,132 | Willow Dradja | MajorBBS | DaMaGe Inc | Warrior | 183K |
310 | − | 43,715,219 | Rorann Stonehammer | Grimoire BBS | Crucial Conflict | Cleric | lifeless |
311 | − | 42,969,715 | Katan Kamaryn | Grimoire BBS | Crucial Conflict | Ninja | lifeless |
312 | ∧ 1 | 41,813,934 | Devils Advocate | MajorBBS | DaMaGe Inc | Warlock | 182K |
313 | ∨ 1 | 41,629,417 | Zoran X | Grimoire BBS | Ninja | lifeless | |
314 | − | 41,237,182 | Xerxes X | Grimoire BBS | Missionary | lifeless | |
315 | − | 37,661,385 | Kalidan Kamaryn | Grimoire BBS | Crucial Conflict | Druid | lifeless |
316 | − | 34,383,146 | Kidd WHO | MajorBBS | Warrior | lifeless | |
317 | − | 33,231,496 | Cool | Grimoire BBS | Ruthless Clan | Ninja | lifeless |
318 | − | 31,004,162 | Sun Cao | Grimoire BBS | Ruthless Clan | Priest | lifeless |
319 | − | 30,485,838 | Brenner VonNull | MajorBBS | Mage | lifeless | |
320 | − | 28,765,040 | Green Mage | MajorBBS | Druid | lifeless | |
321 | − | 26,358,593 | Ladron DeBadajillo | MajorBBS | Bard | lifeless | |
322 | − | 25,586,974 | Handov God | MajorBBS | DaMaGe Inc | Priest | 181K |
323 | − | 22,601,383 | Flash Guygordon | MajorBBS | FireFarts | Mage | 35.5K |
324 | − | 22,359,768 | Ganelial Saecular | CCX BBS (PVE) | Saunt Edhar Concent | Mystic | lifeless |
325 | − | 22,336,111 | Sir Rizzalot | The Keep | The Woke | Paladin | lifeless |
326 | − | 21,328,058 | Donald Trump | MajorBBS | Paladin | lifeless | |
327 | − | 18,941,099 | Thrak | TQPS Stock | Super Smash Bros | Warrior | lifeless |
328 | − | 18,889,882 | Dragonbait | TQPS Stock | Super Smash Bros | Paladin | lifeless |
329 | − | 18,683,239 | Healie | TQPS Stock | Super Smash Bros | Cleric | lifeless |
330 | − | 17,448,966 | Morias Stat | Grimoire BBS | Immanent Erudition | Mystic | lifeless |
331 | − | 17,410,327 | Kolsen Faerun | Grimoire BBS | Immanent Erudition | Ranger | lifeless |
332 | − | 14,086,072 | JD Vance | MajorBBS | Cleric | lifeless | |
333 | − | 13,871,217 | Lito | Grimoire BBS | Thief | lifeless | |
334 | − | 13,335,331 | Prometheus Rest | Grimoire BBS | Cleric | lifeless | |
335 | − | 12,993,489 | Stich | Grimoire BBS | Thief | lifeless | |
336 | − | 12,805,093 | Regis RumbleBelly | Grimoire BBS | Gypsy | lifeless | |
337 | − | 11,512,937 | Zeus Zzzt | Grimoire BBS | Warlock | lifeless | |
338 | − | 8,383,096 | Ender Wiggins | CCX BBS (PVE) | Dragon Army | Paladin | lifeless |
339 | − | 6,179,241 | Wazing Pham | Sounds Of Silence BBS | Dartu | Druid | lifeless |
340 | ∧ 3 | 5,264,900 | Beefy Jenkins | MorningSide Mortuary | Witchunter | 785K | |
341 | ∨ 1 | 5,252,722 | Magus ME | MajorBBS | Mystic | lifeless | |
342 | ∧ 2 | 5,252,050 | Genghis Scooby | MorningSide Mortuary | Gypsy | 785K | |
343 | ∧ 2 | 5,244,760 | Smelly Feet | MorningSide Mortuary | Priest | 785K | |
344 | ∨ 3 | 4,514,303 | The Master | AdeptBBS | Backstreet Girls | Ninja | lifeless |
345 | ∨ 3 | 4,501,952 | Scorpian Pian | MajorBBS | Ranger | lifeless | |
346 | − | 3,218,209 | Arax Spindreft | Sounds Of Silence BBS | Trouble in the Suez | Paladin | lifeless |
347 | − | 3,154,661 | Legend Ary | The Penalty Box | Warrior | 14.9K | |
348 | − | 2,955,797 | Violater Kills | Dreamline | Ranger | lifeless | |
349 | − | 2,650,919 | Dugan I | The Penalty Box | Ninja | 29.7K | |
350 | − | 2,575,446 | Chandu | MorningSide Mortuary | Knights Templar | Paladin | - |