Realm ClassicMUD PVE
Heroes, gangs and summary for ClassicMUD PVE.
Bot Status: ■ OK Time since last update: 2m 44s
Online: 87
MajorMUD "Lightly Seasoned"
- Version: MajorMUD v1.11p
- Cost: Free
- PVP: Disabled?
- Death HP: unknown
- Dupes Allowed: unknown
Top Heroes
Realm | Experience | Character | Gang | Class | Exp/Hr |
1 | ? | My Stick | darkness | Mystic | lifeless |
2 | ? | Bard Ass | timewarp | Bard | lifeless |
3 | ? | Just Ice | darkness | Paladin | lifeless |
4 | ? | Scythe Valere | darkness | Ranger | lifeless |
5 | ? | Stirge Overkill | Nephilim | Paladin | lifeless |
6 | ? | Acid Burns | void | Druid | lifeless |
7 | ? | Winston Keyes | /*Apocalyptic*\ | Cleric | lifeless |
8 | ? | Stoopid Ranger | ~Niner Niner~ | Ranger | lifeless |
9 | ? | Teufel Spakt | Nephilim | Ninja | lifeless |
10 | ? | Ninja Tsu | darkness | Ninja | lifeless |
11 | ? | Delf Mage | darkness | Mage | lifeless |
12 | ? | Chris Rest | !(Redneck Fools)! | Paladin | lifeless |
13 | ? | Gobble In | darkness | Mage | lifeless |
14 | ? | Bull Dozer | darkness | Cleric | 1,542K |
15 | ? | Moloch SoulReaver | Nephilim | Warlock | 1,187K |
16 | ? | Drew Id | crooked | Druid | idle |
17 | ? | Hal Fogre | new in town | Mage | lifeless |
18 | ? | Rand Umbname | darkness | Priest | lifeless |
19 | ? | Qwerty Uiop | darkness | Bard | 1,488K |
20 | ? | Jackie OriginalLastNa | !(Redneck Fools)! | Witchunter | lifeless |
21 | ? | Rage Monster | darkness | Witchunter | 1,457K |
22 | ? | Corvair Woodlock | Nephilim | Ranger | 1,244K |
23 | ? | Which Unter | new in town | Witchunter | 2,254K |
24 | ? | Terl Smash | Nephilim | Cleric | 777K |
25 | ? | Xarg Smash | Nephilim | Cleric | 992K |
26 | ? | Lt DWorf | darkness | Priest | 2,282K |
27 | ? | Elijah Wood | Nephilim | Cleric | lifeless |
28 | ? | Point Fiveofanogre | timewarp | Bard | 1,235K |
29 | ? | Wizerd Keyes | !(Redneck Fools)! | Mage | lifeless |
30 | ? | Max Rest | ~Niner Niner~ | Warrior | lifeless |
31 | ? | Mooore Power | darkness | Priest | 1,271K |
32 | ? | Argos OfTheHillPeople | Nephilim | Cleric | - |
33 | ? | Dandelion CrimsonAven | Nephilim | Bard | 964K |
34 | ? | Strange Name | darkness | Missionary | 1,116K |
35 | ? | Laurie DuSalador | Nephilim | Bard | 886K |
36 | ? | Quid ProQuo | Tharsis Republic | Ranger | 1,020K |
37 | ? | Primagenia I | Tharsis Republic | Cleric | 1,720K |
38 | ? | Peridot Lightfoot | Nephilim | Mystic | 1,120K |
39 | ? | Uriah TheHittite | Nephilim | Warrior | lifeless |
40 | ? | Inigo Montoya | Nephilim | Missionary | 946K |
41 | ? | Jermaine Mystic | /*Apocalyptic*\ | Mystic | lifeless |
42 | ? | Mercury HasNoName | Nephilim | Missionary | 235K |
43 | ? | Anak Kin | Nephilim | Warrior | 1,736K |
44 | ? | Fflewder Foce | !(Redneck Fools)! | Bard | lifeless |
45 | ? | Joram Darksword | Tharsis Republic | Witchunter | 788K |
46 | ? | Wykra One | -=Ogressive =- | Paladin | lifeless |
47 | ? | Zordwyck OfTheHillPeo | Nephilim | Paladin | lifeless |
48 | ? | Headcase InAStraightJ | BlackWater | Paladin | lifeless |
49 | ? | Hailene Avendesora | Nephilim | Priest | lifeless |
50 | ? | Haggai Rest | Nephilim | Cleric | lifeless |
51 | ? | Stangg Rest | Nephilim | Paladin | lifeless |
52 | ? | Barktooth Warbeard | Tharsis Republic | Paladin | 1,012K |
53 | ? | Nehushtan TheBrazen | Nephilim | Ranger | lifeless |
54 | ? | Odd Combo | darkness | Mage | lifeless |
55 | ? | Nothic Acererak | Tharsis Republic | Paladin | 886K |
56 | ? | Selenium MoonShadow | Nephilim | Druid | lifeless |
57 | ? | Wymmer Republic | Tharsis Republic | Priest | 1,011K |
58 | ? | Rodney Poopsickle | !(Redneck Fools)! | Thief | lifeless |
59 | ? | Midgel Rockhopper | Nephilim | Paladin | lifeless |
60 | ? | Turlock Stonebreaker | Nephilim | Cleric | lifeless |
61 | ? | Kevin TheSpecialist | Nephilim | Warrior | lifeless |
62 | ? | Zidgel Rockhopper | Nephilim | Paladin | lifeless |
63 | ? | Elisha TheBald | Nephilim | Cleric | lifeless |
64 | ? | Fidgel Rockhopper | Nephilim | Priest | lifeless |
65 | ? | Fulminata XII | Tharsis Republic | Paladin | 976K |
66 | ? | Jehu Chesson | Nephilim | Cleric | lifeless |
67 | ? | Samuel OriginalLastNa | !(Redneck Fools)! | Mage | lifeless |
68 | ? | Fretensis I | Tharsis Republic | Paladin | 988K |
69 | ? | CHUNK OfLove | -=Ogressive =- | Cleric | lifeless |
70 | ? | Emim N | Nephilim | Paladin | lifeless |
71 | ? | Ralopo Sagis | Missionary | 503K | |
72 | ? | Kayzern Ogresh | -=Ogressive =- | Warlock | lifeless |
73 | ? | Hosea Rest | Nephilim | Paladin | lifeless |
74 | ? | Habakkuk Prophet | Nephilim | Druid | 782K |
75 | ? | Septem Tribus | Tharsis Republic | Bard | 1,133K |
76 | ? | Vergadain Mulhorandi | Tharsis Republic | Thief | 409K |
77 | ? | Viron Morningstar | Tharsis Republic | Priest | 1,056K |
78 | ? | Naruto Crits | BlackWater | Paladin | lifeless |
79 | ? | Micah Stat | Nephilim | Paladin | lifeless |
80 | ? | Goliath Par | Nephilim | Warrior | lifeless |
81 | ? | Magog Par | Nephilim | Paladin | lifeless |
82 | ? | Vitor Stormcraft | Tharsis Republic | Cleric | lifeless |
83 | ? | Sam Wise | BlackWater | Ranger | idle |
84 | ? | Nahum Exp | Nephilim | Paladin | lifeless |
85 | ? | Og KingofBashin | Nephilim | Paladin | lifeless |
86 | ? | Joel Sonnier | Nephilim | Missionary | lifeless |
87 | ? | Zuzim Zuzzumins | Nephilim | Paladin | lifeless |
88 | ? | Parthica III | Tharsis Republic | Cleric | lifeless |
89 | ? | Peleg Ebersen | Nephilim | Druid | lifeless |
90 | ? | Obadiah Rest | Nephilim | Paladin | lifeless |
91 | ? | Nimrod Hunter | Nephilim | Ranger | lifeless |
92 | ? | Noah Way | Nephilim | Ranger | lifeless |
93 | ? | Joktan Eberson | Nephilim | Druid | lifeless |
94 | ? | Zadok ThePriest | Nephilim | Priest | lifeless |
95 | ? | Heman MasterofDaUnive | Nephilim | Bard | lifeless |
96 | ? | Amos Trask | Nephilim | Warrior | lifeless |
97 | ? | Nahor Able | Nephilim | Ranger | lifeless |
98 | ? | Jonah BinAmittai | Nephilim | Warrior | lifeless |
99 | ? | Sampson Rest | !(Redneck Fools)! | Priest | lifeless |
100 | ? | Arathorn Blackleaf | /\/e\/er/\/\ore... | Ranger | lifeless |
Top Gangs
Realm | Experience | Gang | Leader | Created | Exp/Hr |
1 | ? | Nephilim | Goliath | 02-DEC-18 | 12,292K |
2 | ? | darkness | Scythe | 11-OCT-19 | 9,153K |
3 | ? | Tharsis Republic | Vergadain | 22-MAR-21 | 17,308K |
4 | ? | the Clorox Cartel | Tide | 26-DEC-18 | lifeless |
5 | ? | -=Ogressive =- | Wykra | 09-MAY-18 | lifeless |
6 | ? | new in town | Which | 23-APR-19 | 5,015K |
7 | ? | BlackWater | Grom | 24-DEC-18 | 2,616K |
8 | ? | /\/e\/er/\/\ore... | Thorondor | 08-JAN-22 | lifeless |
9 | ? | timewarp | Bard | 11-NOV-22 | 2,497K |
10 | ? | !(Redneck Fools)! | Wizerd | 15-FEB-19 | lifeless |
11 | ? | /*Apocalyptic*\ | Winston | 17-SEP-18 | lifeless |
12 | ? | ~Niner Niner~ | Stoopid | 25-DEC-18 | lifeless |
13 | ? | void | Acid | 09-NOV-22 | lifeless |
14 | ? | Domination | Cleansing | 30-JUL-22 | lifeless |
15 | ? | crooked | Bored | 25-NOV-22 | 1,280K |
16 | ? | Bad BoYz | Mikyh | 16-FEB-24 | lifeless |
17 | ? | LF gang PST! | Storm | 27-DEC-17 | lifeless |
18 | ? | /\/e\/er/\/\ore.... | Huan | 26-APR-22 | lifeless |
19 | ? | ShadowStalkers | Artemis | 26-NOV-17 | lifeless |
20 | ? | Force Strong In U | Sith | 08-JAN-19 | lifeless |
21 | ? | 420 | SYNeRGY | 17-FEB-19 | lifeless |
22 | ? | Mithril Legion | Zoddness | 15-JUL-21 | lifeless |
23 | ? | HoopSoupSnoopGroup! | Munchy | 10-JAN-22 | lifeless |
24 | ? | TeKKeN | Heihachi | 22-DEC-18 | lifeless |
25 | ? | We Wuz Kangs | Kang | 25-MAY-24 | lifeless |
26 | ? | Spaceballs The Gang | Locke | 19-MAR-22 | lifeless |
27 | ? | Rev of the Nerds | Holy | 28-FEB-22 | lifeless |
28 | ? | Soggy Bottom Boys | Savage | 17-JAN-21 | lifeless |
29 | ? | San Jose Sharks | Tomas | 16-MAY-19 | lifeless |
30 | ? | Knights Radiant | Blackthorn | 17-DEC-22 | lifeless |
31 | ? | MUD Dragons | Rita | 13-DEC-20 | lifeless |
32 | ? | Apokyluptein | Onslaught | 09-FEB-24 | lifeless |
33 | ? | Shannara Chronicles | Darkon | 06-DEC-20 | lifeless |
34 | ? | Saunt Edhar | Jesry | 04-JUN-24 | lifeless |
35 | ? | Mithril Hall | Bruenore | 21-FEB-19 | lifeless |
36 | ? | Dark Knights | Kulmar | 13-DEC-24 | 1,430K |
37 | ? | Murder Inc. | Lava | 29-AUG-20 | lifeless |
38 | ? | fatguy ina lil coat | Spanky | 06-MAR-18 | lifeless |
39 | ? | Sons of Bitch | Cvmdrvnk | 18-SEP-22 | lifeless |
40 | ? | Olympians | Bros | 29-DEC-18 | lifeless |
41 | ? | The Goonies | Ceres | 25-OCT-22 | lifeless |
42 | ? | Blood Dolls | Strider | 02-SEP-23 | lifeless |
43 | ? | Vox Machina | Vax | 03-JAN-23 | lifeless |
44 | ? | LizardMen | Brygor | 25-JUL-23 | lifeless |
45 | ? | DaGang | Ljay | 30-SEP-21 | lifeless |
46 | ? | Summer Moon | Remy | 26-JUL-22 | lifeless |
47 | ? | Legends of Combat | Kenpachi | 01-JAN-21 | lifeless |
48 | ? | Tainted Souls | Cricket | 04-NOV-20 | lifeless |
49 | ? | Red Shift | Bodhmall | 28-OCT-20 | lifeless |
50 | ? | Wu Tang Clan | Nas | 28-MAR-22 | lifeless |
51 | ? | State Of The Art | Sverl | 03-SEP-21 | lifeless |
52 | ? | CUT the SHIT | Smesh | 22-MAR-23 | lifeless |
53 | ? | Valiant Thor | Chao | 09-APR-18 | lifeless |
54 | ? | Forgotten Realms | Bruenor | 21-AUG-23 | lifeless |
55 | ? | Daft Punk | Jester | 22-FEB-21 | lifeless |
56 | ? | Gnomads & Misfits | Shanti | 06-JAN-21 | lifeless |
57 | ? | <-VERITAS-> | Gryph | 25-APR-23 | lifeless |
58 | ? | Wub | Kamala | 08-NOV-20 | lifeless |
59 | ? | The Glass Order | Satin | 20-AUG-23 | lifeless |
60 | ? | -=The Family=- | Jackda | 19-JUN-22 | lifeless |
61 | ? | The Expanse | Megaton | 07-MAR-20 | lifeless |
62 | ? | Sex Ed. | HarryP | 04-DEC-17 | lifeless |
63 | ? | PentaGrams | LeopardII | 28-MAY-20 | lifeless |
64 | ? | Empowerment | Skash | 23-JUL-20 | lifeless |
65 | ? | Project Mayhem | Ulek | 01-JAN-25 | lifeless |
66 | ? | OrderOfThePhoenix | Sirius | 29-JAN-24 | lifeless |
67 | ? | Zanthus or Bust! | Saul | 07-SEP-20 | lifeless |
68 | ? | Black Dawn | Fujin | 13-JUL-19 | lifeless |
69 | ? | Paradox | Godlywuss | 25-NOV-17 | lifeless |
70 | ? | Three Short Guys! | SourNote | 17-MAR-20 | lifeless |
71 | ? | superfriends | Dob | 29-JAN-20 | lifeless |
72 | ? | dwarf Bowlers ! | Atheist | 12-MAR-20 | lifeless |
73 | ? | Deep Corn Holers | WakRather | 19-JAN-25 | lifeless |
74 | ? | Turbothott | Legs | 21-SEP-21 | lifeless |
75 | ? | Toasted Tomato | McReager | 23-AUG-22 | lifeless |
76 | ? | Dirt Merchants | TooOld | 27-MAY-20 | lifeless |
77 | ? | Firestorm | Shadowstar | 26-OCT-20 | lifeless |
78 | ? | the Magic Erasers | Dawn | 20-DEC-18 | lifeless |