MajorMUD Priestly Spells
A list of Priestly spells in MajorMUD with stats, notes and sources. This is a mirror of MudCentral's lists. Play with filters or return to the spell school list.
Name | Level | Short Code | Mana | Difficulty | Rounds | Target | Notes | Source |
Harm | 1 | HARM | 1 | 15 | Combat | Monster/Char |
Minor Healing | 1 | MIHE | 2 | 10 | Between | Self/Char |
Bless | 2 | BLES | 4 | 5 | 40+level*5 (max 140 at level 20+) |
Self/Char |
Curse | 2 | CURS | 4 | 5 | 40+level*5 (max 140 at level 20+) |
Monster/Char |
Turn Undead | 3 | TURN | 4 | 0 | Combat | Monster |
Spiritual Hammer | 4 | HAMM | 3 | 5 | Combat | Monster/Char |
Protection From Evil Good Only |
5 | PREV | 6 | 0 | 50 rounds | Self/Char |
Protection From Good Evil Only |
5 | PRGD | 6 | 0 | 50 rounds | Self/Char |
Blight | 6 | BLIT | 10 | -5 | 40+level*5 (max 415 at level 75+) |
Room |
Chant | 6 | CHAN | 10 | -5 | 40+level*5 (max 415 at level 75+) |
Party |
Cure Poison | 7 | CURE | 8 | -10 | Between | Self/Char |
Agony | 8 | AGON | 5 | 0 | Combat | Monster/Char |
Major Healing | 8 | MAHE | 6 | -5 | Between | Self/Char |
Greater Curse | 9 | GCRS | 8 | -10 | 40 rounds | Monster/Char |
Greater Bless | 10 | GBLS | 8 | -15 | 40 rounds | Self/Char |
Healing Rain | 10 | RAIN | 5 | -15 | Between | Party |
Glitterdust | 11 | GLIT | 6 | -15 | 30 rounds | Character (not self) |
Blind | 12 | BLIN | 12 | -25 | 10 rounds | Monster/Char |
Cure Blindness | 12 | SITE | 12 | -25 | Between | Self/Char |
Holy Force | 13 | HFOR | 8 | -10 | Combat | Monster/Char |
Unholy Force | 13 | UFOR | 8 | -10 | Combat | Monster/Char |
Hold Person | 14 | HOLD | 12 | -30 | 4 rounds | Monster/Char |
Disrupt | 16 | DISR | 8 | -25 | Combat | Monster |
Godstrike | 20 | GSTK | 12 | -40 | Combat | Monster/Char |
Zeal | 25 | ZEAL | 20 | -30 | 10+level/2 (max 35 at level 50+) |
Self |
Name | Level | Short Code | Mana | Difficulty | Rounds | Target | Notes | Source |
Annointed Hands | 10 | ANNO | 1 | -5 | Between | Character (not self) |
Cure Disease | 13 | CDES | 12 | -25 | Between | Self/Char |
Greater Healing | 15 | GRHE | 12 | -25 | Between | Self/Char |
Control Undead Evil Only |
16 | CDED | 12 | -25 | 80 rounds | Monster |
Major Healing Rain | 17 | MRAI | 15 | -40 | Between | Party |
Divine Disfavour | 19 | DISF | 12 | -40 | 30 rounds | Monster/Char |
Divine Favour | 19 | DFAV | 12 | -35 | 30 rounds | Self/Char |
Black Wind | 21 | WIND | 30 | -40 | 10 rounds | Room |
Cure Paralysis | 23 | CURP | 15 | -50 | Between | Self/Char |
God's Wrath | 25 | GWRA | 14 | -50 | Combat | Monster/Char |
Divine Fury | 30 | FURY | 16 | -60 | Combat | Monster/Char |
Wrathful Curse | 40 | WCUR | 25 | -100 | 7 rounds | Monster/Char |
Name | Level | Short Code | Mana | Difficulty | Rounds | Target | Notes | Source |
Iron Faith | 7 | IRFA | 6 | -10 | 30 rounds | Self |
Holy Aura Good Only |
9 | AURA | 15 | -10 | 60 rounds | Party |
Unholy Aura Evil Only |
9 | UNHO | 15 | -10 | 60 rounds | Party |
Holy Armour | 11 | ARMR | 10 | -20 | 60 rounds | Self |
Unholy Armour Evil Only |
11 | UARM | 10 | -20 | 60 rounds | Self |
Remove Curse | 14 | RCRS | 20 | -40 | Between | Self/Char |
Blood Ritual Evil Only |
15 | BLUD | 24 | -25 | 40 rounds | Self/Char |
Righteousness | 15 | RITE | 24 | -25 | 40 rounds | Self/Char |
Sacrifice | 18 | SACR | 8 | -25 | Between | Character (not self) |
Stone To Flesh | 18 | STON | 30 | -25 | Between | Character (not self) |
Godheal | 22 | GDHE | 24 | -50 | Between | Self/Char |
Greater Healing Rain | 24 | GRAI | 30 | -55 | Between | Party |
Paralyze | 25 | PARA | 30 | -55 | 4 rounds | Room |
Divine Mercy | 30 | DMER | 50 | -65 | Between | Party |
Profane Link Evil Only |
35 | PRFL | 30 | -70 | 80 rounds | Self |
Soulstrike | 35 | SOUL | 20 | -70 | Combat | Monster/Char |
Hellfire Shield Evil Only |
37 | HESH | 25 | -80 | 60 rounds | Self |
Sacred Bastion Good Only |
37 | BAST | 25 | -80 | 60 rounds | Self |
Serenity Good Only |
37 | NITY | 30 | -70 | 80 rounds | Self |
Merciful Grace | 40 | MGRA | 35 | -90 | Between | Self/Char |
Blessed Vision Good Only |
41 | BEVI | 35 | -95 | Between | Party |
Damnation Evil Only |
42 | DAMN | 30 | -100 | 10 rounds | Monster/Char |
Divine Courage Good Only |
45 | DCOR | 45 | -90 | 40+(level*2)/5 (max 62 at level 55+) |
Party |
Soul Rip | 45 | SRIP | 30 | -100 | Combat | Monster/Char |
Unholy Fanaticism Evil Only |
45 | UNFA | 45 | -90 | 40+(level*2)/5 (max 62 at level 55+) |
Party |
Curing Wind Good Only |
47 | CURI | 65 | -110 | Between | Party |
Exorcism Good Only |
47 | EXOR | 35 | -110 | Combat | Monster |
Angelic Halo Good Only |
50 | HALO | 45 | -130 | 80+level (max 140 at level 60+) |
Self/Char |
Balanced Sight Neutral Only |
50 | BALS | 45 | -130 | 80+level (max 140 at level 60+) |
Party |
Balanced Word Neutral Only |
50 | WORD | 8 | -100 | Combat | Monster/Char |
Dark Transfusion Evil Only |
50 | DATR | 50 | -110 | Between | Character (not self) |
Divine Healing Good Only |
50 | DIHE | 50 | -140 | Between | Character (not self) |
Exalted Word Good Only |
50 | WORD | 8 | -110 | Combat | Monster/Char |
Infernal Darkness Evil Only |
50 | DARK | 45 | -130 | 80+level (max 140 at level 60+) |
Room |
Priestly Benediction Neutral Only |
50 | PRBE | 50 | -140 | 10 rounds | Character (not self) |
Tainted Word Evil Only |
50 | WORD | 8 | -100 | Combat | Monster/Char |