MajorMUD Bard Songs
A list of Bard songs in MajorMUD with stats, notes and sources. This is a mirror of MudCentral's lists. Play with filters or return to the spell school list.
Name | Level | Short Code | Mana | Difficulty | Rounds | Target | Notes | Source |
Song Of Lore | 1 | LORE | 2 | 0 | Between | D.AttackArea |
Song Of Valour | 2 | VALR | 4 | 11 | 35+level*5 (max 410 at level 75+) |
Party |
Song Of Discord | 3 | DISC | 2 | 8 | Combat | Monster/Char |
Song Of Misfortune | 3 | MFOR | 4 | 11 | 20+level*5 (max 395 at level 75+) |
Room |
Song Of Charming | 4 | CHAR | 4 | 5 | 100 rounds | Monster |
Song Of Wisdom | 4 | WISD | 4 | 5 | 40+level (max 70 at level 30+) |
Self/Char |
Song Of Brilliance | 5 | BRIL | 6 | 2 | 40+level (max 70 at level 30+) |
Self/Char |
Song Of Foolishness | 5 | FOOL | 6 | 7 | 40+level (max 70 at level 30+) |
Monster/Char |
Song Of Might | 6 | MITE | 8 | -2 | 40+level (max 70 at level 30+) |
Self/Char |
Song Of Stupidity | 6 | DUMB | 8 | 3 | 40+level (max 70 at level 30+) |
Monster/Char |
Song Of Agility | 7 | AGIL | 10 | -5 | 40+level (max 70 at level 30+) |
Self/Char |
Song Of Weakness | 7 | WEAK | 10 | 0 | 40+level (max 70 at level 30+) |
Monster/Char |
Song Of Clumsiness | 8 | CLUM | 8 | -4 | 40+level (max 70 at level 30+) |
Monster/Char |
Song Of Life | 8 | LIFE | 10 | 0 | 30 rounds | Party |
Song Of Beauty | 9 | BEAU | 9 | -7 | 40+level (max 70 at level 30+) |
Self/Char |
Song Of Traveling | 9 | TRAV | 15 | -7 | 80+level/2 (max 100 at level 40+) |
Party |
Song Of Blasting | 10 | BLAS | 4 | -15 | Combat | Monster/Char |
Song Of Ugliness | 10 | UGLY | 10 | -9 | 40+level (max 70 at level 30+) |
Character (not self) |
Song Of Draining | 11 | DRAN | 8 | -10 | Combat | Monster/Char |
Song Of Silence | 12 | MUTE | 20 | -15 | 20 rounds | Room |
Song Of Lethargy | 13 | LETH | 12 | -20 | 20 rounds | Monster/Char |
Song Of Dazzling | 14 | DAZL | 14 | -35 | 10 rounds | Monster/Char |
Song Of Quickness | 15 | QUIK | 12 | -30 | 20 rounds | Self/Char |
Song Of Pain | 16 | PAIN | 8 | -25 | Combat | Monster/Char |
Song Of Stunning | 18 | STUN | 24 | -60 | 1+level/30 (max 2 at level 30+) |
Monster/Char |
Song Of Shockwave | 19 | SHOK | 10 | -35 | Combat | Room |
Song Of Heroism | 21 | HERO | 14 | -40 | 30+level/2 (max 50 at level 40+) |
Self/Char |
Song Of Sonic Blast | 22 | SBLA | 12 | -45 | Combat | Monster/Char |
Song Of Enlightenment | 23 | ENLI | 15 | -40 | 30+level/2 (max 50 at level 40+) |
Self/Char |
Song Of Evasion | 24 | EVAS | 20 | -55 | 5+level/2 (max 30 at level 50+) |
Self |
Song Of Sageness | 24 | SAGE | 20 | -60 | 40+level (max 70 at level 30+) |
Party |
Song Of Knowledge | 26 | KNOW | 20 | -60 | 40+level (max 70 at level 30+) |
Party |
Song Of Force | 28 | FOCE | 20 | -60 | 40+level (max 70 at level 30+) |
Party |
Song Of Swiftness | 30 | SWIF | 20 | -60 | 40+level (max 70 at level 30+) |
Party |
Song Of Soothing | 35 | SOOT | 18 | -85 | 20+level/5 (max 31 at level 55+) |
Party |
Song Of Battle | 40 | BATT | 20 | -95 | 30 rounds | Party |
Song Of The Elements | 40 | ELEM | 16 | -55 | 50 rounds | Party |